Chapter 453【Battle with the Butcher, Are You Worthy??】Part 5 Asking for Monthly Tickets!_1

" is here!"

The division head's voice, amplified through a microphone, echoed clearly from the speakers around the conference hall, heard by everyone present.

Upon hearing those four words, his wide eyes reflected the division head's panicked state. Chang Xin, who originally felt irritated by the division head's disrespect for protocol, froze. His pupils widened in shock, and his face was full of disbelief!

Not just him, on the podium, Zhou Pingchuan and Luo Wei among others were also speechless with shock. Below the stage, everyone, including Young Master Yan Yanqing and Nalan Xiangxiang, was stunned by the news!



Even Xiao Feng, who knew that Chen Fan was going to brutally retort against those who had looked down upon him today, was taken aback.

Born into affluence, Xiao Feng, who was no stranger to power, knew very well what these three words represented.