Chapter 552【Xue Hu's Trust, Butcher's Crisis】_1

Just like Jiang Wen, Xue Hu had been up all night the previous evening.

What distinguished him from Jiang Wen was that while the latter had been excited all night, Xue Hu had been in a depressed state.

As the leader of the Qing Gang, he had immediately learned about the total annihilation of sixty Maple Leaf members sent to Southeast Asia. Subsequently, he heard about the massacre at Wang Hong's old haunt, and the murders of the Wang brothers, Wang Yong and Wang Hao. The icing on the cake was the news about Red Star grinding down Qing Gang with storm-like intensity.

For Xue Hu, these news items were like a nightmare come true.

If not for the absolute trust he had in his intelligence network, he would hardly believe that all of this was real.

In his study, the ashtray on the desk was filled with cigarette ash, shrouding the entire room in a smog.