727 Chapter [Settling Grudges and Favors] - Part 2

Ever since Huangfu Hongzhu discovered Tian Cao, she took a liking to her. Not only did she take Tian Cao as her apprentice, going even further in her training than Chu Wentian did with her, but in private, she also treated Tian Cao like a younger sister, considering Tian Cao's interests in everything she did.

Because she felt sorry for Tian Cao living in that damp, cheap rental with Aunt Tian, Huangfu Hongzhu originally wanted to give Tian Cao an apartment. But Tian Cao adamantly refused. With no other options, Huangfu Hongzhu had no choice but to help Tian Cao with the down payment, letting her pay off the mortgage herself. Moreover, according to what Tian Cao said, once the mortgage was fully paid, she would then return the down payment money to her.

Ever since the school holidays started, Tian Cao didn't indulge in leisure like the other kids. Instead, she began her new internship the day after the break.