Chapter 799: [The Final Strike, The Collapse of the Yan Family!] Eight

The People's Great Hall is located on the west side of Tiananmen Square in the center of Yanjing City, on the south side of West Chang'an Street. It faces east, standing 336 meters long from north to south, 206 meters wide from east to west, and 46.5 meters high, covering an area of 150,000 square meters, with a constructed area of 171,800 square meters, which is even larger than the total constructed area of the Forbidden City.

The architectural layout of the Great Hall is in the shape of the Chinese character for "mountain," with slightly lower wings and a somewhat higher middle, doors opening on all sides. The exterior is made of light yellow granite with eaves of alternating yellow and green glazed tiles, supported by a 5-meter-high granite base. The building is surrounded by 134 tall, round columns, giving it a majestic and spectacular impression.