Chapter 1 Rongcheng Jiang Ding_3

Guo Kui made a judgment based on her professional experience.

She seemed to be only 5 points behind Wu Tianli, but different people have different assets. With the Three Spiritual Roots and her Foundation Establishment Stage father's devoted training, she was now at the Peak of the Sixth Layer of Qi Practicing, and she could break into the Seventh Level at any moment, becoming a Cultivator in the late stages of Qi refining.

A Cultivator in the later stages of Qi refining would experience a slight qualitative change in mana and Divine Sense, which is the foundation of their superiority over Cultivators in the earlier and middle phases of Qi Practicing.

An additional 10 points of bonus was insignificant. The growth and slight qualitative change in mana and, especially, Divine Sense could slightly enhance a Cultivator's computational capabilities, memory, and the precision of Divine Sense Scanning—all these critically important skills.

It would result in a slight increase in their learning ability.

The scores in subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, physics, and biology might all see a small incremental rise. If the increase was substantial enough, it wouldn't be too much to hope to attend No.12 University.

"These are the students with Spiritual Roots; even the other students must not lose heart," Guo Kui withdrew her gaze from Hua Bing and looked at mortal students like Jiang Ding and Li Junhao, and said solemnly:

"Compared with Cultivators, a profession with longevity, practicing is extremely difficult and slow. Even those with extraordinary talent must accumulate step by step over years. Based on the teachers' experience, after the third year of high school, young martial artists with top-notch talent and a deep foundation will experience explosive growth in their Cultivation Base."

"Every Fairy Gate Citizen receives a body and bones tempering by Xiantian Martial Artists with at least Thirty Years' Worth of Great Medicine within twenty-four hours of birth. Within three days, a Cultivator in the Qi Practicing Phase uses the Cultivating Elemental Soul Liquid to wash their meridians."

"In terms of aptitude, any Immortal Gate Citizen in some low-level small worlds with only martial arts inheritance would be considered a genius."

"The Immortal Gate allowing martial artists to participate in the College Entrance Exam is not to serve merely as foil for those with Spiritual Roots!" Guo Kui said with a very serious tone.

"On the contrary, the vast number of educated common people are the most important foundation for the Immortal Gate; among them, the top students will achieve no less than those with Spiritual Roots in the future."

"Many Masters of the Immortal Sect also lack Spiritual Roots, but this does not prevent them from dominating the heavens and the earth!"

Many students without Spiritual Roots were encouraged and regained hope.

Jiang Ding pursed his lips.

He noticed the words "top-notch talent" used by Teacher Guo.


To cultivate as a mortal, if one wasn't exceptionally gifted, how could one hope for success?

"Alright, now that the results from the last practice exam are out, those who improved shouldn't become complacent, and those who fell behind should work even harder, to live up to their youth," Guo Kui said.

Guo Kui set aside the class's grade list, touched her shiny scalp, and opened the Morality and Ethics textbook.

Since the advent of the extraordinary, Morality and Ethics has become as important a subject as Chinese and mathematics, with a total score of 150 points, incredibly important. It was fine if the score wasn't high, but failing to pass would be an extremely serious problem.

Not that there would be no university admissions, but many future opportunities would be directly cut off.

"Recite the First Law of the Immortal Gate; the tone must be solemn and dignified. Begin," Guo Kui instructed.

The sound of clear recitation followed.

"The First Law of the Immortal Gate!"

"All knowledge within the Lanying Planet, including that of public and private institutions, individually owned; patented and unpatented; Cultivation-related and non-Cultivation; past, present, and all knowledge to be created or discovered in the future, belongs to all citizens!"

"Every citizen not deprived of political rights can read any knowledge, any heritage on Lanying Planet by simply applying and proving they have the capability to understand said knowledge."

"If the knowledge is under patent, then the patron fee approved by the Central Array Spirit Computer must be paid!"

Jiang Ding and others read aloud solemnly, each punctuation, each pause precisely accurate.

As for their thoughts, there were none.

Because from their first day in pre-school, they began learning this. The first words learned by the vast majority of Fairy Gate Citizens were precisely these.

"If any institution or individual violates the First Law of the Immortal Gate and refuses a lawful reading request from a citizen, the citizen should immediately report to the local Xianmen institutions and the Array Spirit Computer of their household registration."

"Warnings given repeatedly, yet if the institution or individual still refuses to comply with the First Law of the Immortal Gate, the military of the citizenship location is obliged to execute a strict material and soul eradication process under the supervision of the Central Array Spirit Computer."

The sound of recitation fell silent.

"The importance of the First Law of the Immortal Gate, I won't go into as your middle and elementary school teachers have already told you many times. It is a compulsory part of the College Entrance Exam and even the positions, question types, and scores are specified."

"This offers fifteen free points. But!"

Guo Kui's expression became stern and she said, "This time, we actually had two students who wrote a word wrong! This was copying, with no tricky questions, just copying!"

The anger of a Cultivator in the later stages of Qi refining whipped up a fierce wind in the classroom.

Books fluttered loudly, but gradually, everyone's breathing became the only audible sound.

"I won't say who it was."

Guo Kui calmed down and continued sternly, "Currently, I am reviewing the exams, and everyone still has a chance to correct their mistakes. When it comes to the College Entrance Exam, the Central Array Spirit Computer will be grading. At that point everything will be set in stone, and years of hard work will be wasted."



In front of an enraged Cultivator in the later stages of Qi refining, all the students responded earnestly and honestly.

"Good, now let's continue with the example questions from last time, starting with the First Law of the Immortal Gate and 'lawful citizen of Lanying Planet' which led to the first secrecy rule."