Chapter 29 One Hundred Thousand_1

Zheng Clan's large estate, the side rooms.

Although it is a side room, it also has a three-in-three-out courtyard.

"Are you saying that the opponent defeated you with one move?"

Chen Chen's appearance was robust, dressed in a white shirt, holding an ancient book in his hand, and his temperament not showing the slightest sharpness, resembling more of a scholar.

He looked at the broken left arm of Wild Wolf Knife's Long Shi without flinching, frowning slightly.

"Not only that, but he is also too young."

Long Shi pressed down on his barely crusted left arm, revealing intense pain on his face, reluctantly saying, "Young, extremely powerful, with a fair complexion, showing no signs of being weathered by wind or sun."

He was filled with resentment, wishing he could eat their flesh and sleep on their skin, yet he dared not hide anything.

Because if it came to a confrontation, these masters would definitely not take the lead themselves, and would use him as the vanguard; fearing if they were not well prepared, it might put his entire family in danger.

Even if the opponent didn't take his family seriously, if he died, those he had offended over the years would be more than happy to take up the job.

Long Shi looked at him with hopeful eyes.

The masters above had divine abilities; with ample preparation, they surely wouldn't fear a young man with some background, right?

"In that case."

Chen Chen rested his hand on the ancient book, speaking slowly, "Let's postpone it and prioritize the matters of the main house first."

Long Shi lowered his head.


After issuing a reward of ten taels of silver to each person in the grocery store, doubling it for Huang Deyou, and adding two days of leave for adjustment, Jiang Ding returned home.

This was a considerable sum of money.

With it, one could buy over four thousand jin of rice, or even twice as much coarse grain, enough to sustain a family for several years.

If those so-called important people would not let things go, he might have to flee even if he liked the current situation.

If they sought revenge, there was no choice.

But he would seek revenge.

No matter which self-proclaimed high and mighty figure was involved, he would find them all and pierce them with a sword when he had the power to crush them.

One in the morning.

Jiang Ding glanced at his mobile phone, skipping over the chatty messages in the class group chat, and noticed two unread messages from the Xianmen Library APP.

He opened them, and joy appeared on his face.

"Caiyun Pharmaceutical's Shao Chengkang: Good day, Sir. The α-acetyl-257 molecule present in the 'Purple Spiritual Plants' that you discovered and own the patent for assists in the refinement of certain elixirs of our company. After our research, we are willing to purchase your complete patent rights for the price of 155,000 Mortal coins."

"What are your thoughts?"

No one can violate the First Law of the Immortal Gate.

This implies that the company no longer needs to pay Jiang Ding patent fees for using the components of the Purple Spiritual Plants, buying out the rights in one go.

Purple Spiritual Plants were discovered by Jiang Ding when he was at the Mortal realm, having a patent period of three hundred years.

"155,000 Mortal coins..."

Jiang Ding hesitated, uncertain.

Lacking the necessary knowledge, he couldn't judge if the price was fair.

Big companies have many alternative options for elixir research, and if one demands too much, they might abandon the use of this ingredient.

It might even be that there is no elixir that actually needs this ingredient, with the company merely making a technical reserve in advance.

Conversely, if it can be confirmed that the Purple Spiritual Plants' component is irreplaceable, or even used in some high-value elixirs, then the patent fee could be negotiated for several tens or hundreds of thousands of Mortal coins plus Spirit coins.

No longer hesitating, Jiang Ding got up and knocked on the bedroom door of Lin Wanqiu.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

It didn't take long for Lin Wanqiu to open the door sleepily, her hair in a mess, "Dingding, what happened?"

Jiang Ding pointed to the sofa.

"... so that's the situation, mom, do you know, or do you have friends who are experts in the pharmaceutical field?" Jiang Ding explained once and handed the phone to Lin Wanqiu.


Lin Wanqiu's eyes immediately widened, swiftly taking the phone.

"Our family is going to get rich!"

Her eyes became bright and sparkling, "My major in university was metallurgy, and I work in that field, but one of my high school besties is in this industry."

Not minding the rudeness of making a call in the wee hours, she dialed the number.

After a while, she put down the phone.

"It's hard to judge."

Lin Wanqiu rubbed her forehead, "Elixirs involve billions of components, alchemy techniques, and just by one molecular structure, even an expert can't judge its value unless it's a master in the industry or an insider from Caiyun Pharmaceuticals."

"We can't afford an alchemy master, too expensive."

"Then we can only agree to their offer," Jiang Ding sighed. Without understanding anything, he didn't even know where to start bargaining.

The probability suggested that it was most likely just a common substitutable component; after all, the materials used in high-value Elixirs were extremely rare.

"It's already very good."

Lin Wanqiu said excitedly.

Jiang Ding gently stroked the sword hilt, erasing the unwilling greed rising in his heart, "Mom, the economic foundation determines the superstructure. Since I've earned such a large sum of money, can you promise me one thing?"

"You tell me." Lin Wanqiu waved her hand grandly.

"Quit the overtime you agreed to take on, for at least one year."

Jiang Ding looked into her eyes.

Rongcheng Steel Plant operated an eight-hour workday, from eight in the morning to six in the evening, with a two-hour lunch break. Three teams of workers rotated shifts. Because one of Jiang Ding's children was in high school and the other was about to enter middle school, the expenses were high, and Lin Wanqiu had voluntarily applied to work an additional four hours every day.

"That, you need money for martial arts training..."

Lin Wanqiu hesitated, this windfall was like winning the lottery—an unexpected fortunate event with no continuation, and they could only idle away their resources.

And for martial arts training,

As far as she knew, no amount of money ever seemed to be enough, especially for someone with poor talent.

"It's just for one year." Jiang Ding placed his hand on the sword hilt, radiating with spirited confidence, "And haven't you heard, Mom? For a martial artist, having a clear mind is essential for achievement."

Lin Wanqiu noticed his gesture and frowned.

She knew that her son was extremely determined, and once he decided on something, it was rarely possible to dissuade him.

"...Okay then."

Lin Wanqiu agreed reluctantly.

To tell the truth, she hadn't had to do overtime from her teenage years until now, and these past few years were really hard to bear. There were several times she had cried on the phone to her grandmother, managing to endure only by gritting her teeth.

"That's great! Good night to you!"

Jiang Ding smiled and walked briskly to his room. His Inner Energy naturally circulated, making his whole body feel a lot more transparent.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, his Inner Energy flowing in turn through the Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin, the Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin, and then to the Heart Channel of Hand Shaoyin.

The progress was roughly as he had expected.

Threads of Inner Energy nurtured and refined the ten main meridians of the Heart Channel of Hand Shaoyin, bringing a tingling sensation of pain which then subsided as it healed.

He opened his eyes to let a Cui Bird, which had somehow entered through the window take away a large stack of specimens, including various plants and insects, and even a rodent-like animal, housed in a small cage.

It had almost become a Little Mountain; the Cui Bird on top was barely visible.

However, it didn't seem to be struggling. It packed and took them away steadily and even had the energy to cast a cloaking spell as per Jiang Ding's request.

"Do you need help?"

Jiang Ding asked softly.

The pile of specimens was bigger than the window; it seemed impossible to squeeze through.

"Chirp chirp!"

The Cui Bird shook its pointy beak, and a green light spread from the beak. The pile visibly shrank, then the bird flapped its wings and disappeared from view.


Jiang Ding watched in amazement. Not every express delivery Cui Bird knew that trick; this one was elite.

He took out his phone, set the alarm, replied to the researcher from Caiyun Pharmaceuticals, and finally dealt with the last unread message.

The moment he opened it, Jiang Ding's finger twitched.