Chapter 35 The Leak-proof Body - 1

Zhang Dingjun nodded slightly.

He sighed again.

"Actually, the job of scout infantry should be done by cultivators in the Qi Practicing Realm, but there are too few of them, and they can play a much bigger role on the main battlefield."

He projected the scene of Hua Bing and the others' battle to the size of a computer screen and pointed at the image.

"Which positions do you think are suitable for scout infantry snipers?"

Jiang Ding shook his head; he had never learned this.

"You have to follow a few basic principles. First, you must be outside the range of a cultivator's Divine Sense, more than one hundred and fifty meters away from Qi Practicing Phase cultivators and over two thousand meters away from Foundation-building cultivators."

"Second, choose complex terrains such as dense forests, underground, and underwater, which can all effectively reduce the range and accuracy of a cultivator's Divine Sense Scanning."

"The same principles apply when facing Xianmen cultivators."