Chapter 40 Jinlong Business Association_1

Jiang Ding wore a longsword at his waist as he walked on the bustling streets.

The mysterious disappearance of some beggars did not impact Dongling City at all. On the contrary, as the Sihai Trading Company coordinated efforts from various powers to begin mining operations on Donglingshan Mountain, large quantities of herbs and exotic beasts were brought back daily.

The price of commodities such as herbs and beast meat decreased to different extents, adding even more energy and bustle to the marketplace.

Many blacksmith shops, clinics, tea houses, and brothels, which usually struggled to make ends meet, now enjoyed a constant stream of customers, making a handsome profit.

Many jobless idlers, who used to alternate between meals and hunger, suddenly found various kinds of work, such as moving goods, assistant labor, menial tasks; and those with courage even ventured into the mountains to hunt beasts and catch butterflies, earning wages higher than before.