Chapter 66 Leaving the City_1


a shadowy figure passed through without making a sound.

His attire was ink blue, almost blending into the night sky, and his presence was as imperceptible as dead wood and stone; none of the Inner Qi Realm martial artists constantly surveilling the grocery store noticed him.

In just a few breaths, the figure had left the tight surveillance net and moved several miles away, silently observing from atop a tall building.

"Lord Chen Chen, the target has not stepped out of the door thus far."

Long Shi's gaze fixed on the iron-clad army ahead, his breath hitching, barely able to catch his breath.

Five men made a squad, ten a platoon—here there were ten platoons, over a hundred men!

Apart from the leading Chen Chen, the handsome young man Hei Jin, and the old man in black robe—all with Internal Qi Perfection—the aura of every squad leader and platoon leader was no weaker than his, with the squad leaders being even stronger, being warriors of Minor Completion of Internal Qi!