Chapter 72 Scarlet Sun_1

Never rest until death?

Jiang Ding smiled from behind the boulder.

When in power, he led troops from miles away to capture people, to use them as materials for refining Blood Pills at Fierce Tiger Village. But now, fallen out of favor, he had the nerve to ask if they really wanted to pursue a fight to the death with Zhendonghou Mansion.

What kind of logic was that?

"I do not wish to create needless slaughter; only those above the Great Achievement of Inner Qi must die, all others may leave of their own accord."

Jiang Ding activated his Inner Energy; his voice reached the ears of everyone within a few hundred meters.

A thread of golden-red light, barely visible among the earth, stones, and plants, reached the army formation in an instant, the dense volley of arrows hardly slowing it down.

'Mixed Gold Dagger' Zheng Ye, 'Dotting Evil Brush' Yao Xiu, and others had drastic changes in their expressions, showing stark fear.

"Spreading fallacies to deceive the crowd!"