Chapter 147 The Momentum of Heaven and Earth_1

"...The power of Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Human Unity..."

Jiang Ding meticulously recalled the Cultivation Method, many of whose principles and content he had already understood and was rapidly assimilating into his own knowledge.

In fact, even if Li Qingyun, who had far less education in the Immortal Path than him, could understand it, there was no reason he couldn't.

The principles and methods of this Cultivation Method were not difficult; the challenge lay in achieving them.


Jiang Ding muttered to himself. Following the method outlined in the Cultivation Method, he imagined himself becoming a particle of Gold Affinity Spiritual Energy in the world, his Inner Qi shifting intricately, regulating his breathing, and thus adjusting the frequency of his Divine Soul.

The difficulty lay in this very process, which was 99 percent of the challenge.