Chapter 154 Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter Three Maids_1

Incense was burned, baths were taken, and for three days, there was silent meditation.

Thud, thud, thud!

The three solemn bell tones of the ceremony resonated, second only to the five tones of the Golden Pill Ceremony. Foundation-building cultivators would not receive such an honor in their entire lives.

Upon the solemn and majestic Sect Main Hall,

many foundation-building cultivators silently watched the center of the venue.

A mortal, a young man of sixteen or seventeen years, wore the Five Peaks Crown on his head and was attired in the Seven-colored robe of the stars, bowing three times and kowtowing nine to Immortal Jinlian, the former Supreme Elder.

Envious expressions were evident on many faces.

This bow, by the laws of the sect, signified a status in the Qiyu Sect second only to that of the two Golden Pill Patriarchs.

But why, why just a mortal?!

Had the Patriarch gone mad?

"The ceremony is complete!"

Zhou Sanyan announced.