Chapter 158 College Entrance Exam_1

The two girls chatted for a while and inquired about some challenges with their cultivation methods, then said farewell and departed.

The gold-attribute spiritual energy in this place was too rich, making them very uncomfortable.

Additionally, they had just entered the cultivation world, where everything was still novel, and their cultivation bases were quickly growing. It was a prime time for cultivation, not to be wasted.

"Today, isn't it the day the Nine Heavens Relics, which happens every three years, ends?"

Jiang Ding mused to himself, paying close attention to this matter.

The relics inside the Empty Mysterious Crystal Copper, made into a semi-spatial concealment coating, would be greatly beneficial for his future Air-Space Warplane, and the flying sword could also make use of it.

Although there was still quite some time before he reached foundation building, he always needed to plan ahead to avoid panic when the time came.