Chapter 173 Artillery Shells Surround Me_3

"How does the theory hold up?"

"In theory, it's possible, as long as you can instantly transmit the attack nodes and coordinates, the cruise missiles in the sky can respond in real time, but theory..."

"That will do."

"Remember, whoever dares use grenades, I will kill them myself."

Jiang Ding responded indifferently and deactivated his Scout Camouflage.

During battle, the concealment ability of Scout Camouflage would drastically diminish. It could deceive Qi Practitioners but was rendered meaningless under the Divine Sense of Foundation-building cultivators.

"What is this?"

The hawk-nosed Mid-term Foundation Building Cultivator, who was carefully infiltrating, shuddered suddenly, turned back abruptly, and looked at a youth in blue clothes who had appeared within the range of his Divine Sense.

"A cultivator from the Eastern Devil School... a mortal?!"

He even rubbed his eyes.