Chapter 176 The Crushing of the Iron Tide (Renamed)_1

The Group Army called an online meeting for officers at the regimental level and above.

After a glance, Jiang Ding noted that following the descent and series of attacks by the Xuanwu tiangong cultivators, only nineteen of the original twenty-five divisions remained, and they had already completed reorganization.

"The formation nodes on the eastern side of the West Desert have been identified."

Xu Jianian projected a map onto the screen, pointing to a mountain peak, "The West Desert's native major sect, Changhe Sword Sect, was once led by a late-stage Post-golden Alchemist. Later, the sect and its people were destroyed by the Fairy Gate and Xuanwu tiangong working together, and the sect's remnants pledged allegiance to Xuanwu tiangong. The enemies we encountered when we landed were them."