Chapter 179 Tactical Nuclear Bomb (Renamed)_1

"Requesting artillery strike..."

"The enemy, a True Disciple of Xuanwu Heavenly Palace, at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage, severely injured, is suspected to still have escape techniques, yet dares to stay where he is."

Jiang Ding advanced slowly, approaching a distance of over six hundred meters, activated the corps communication with his Divine Soul, and his Azure Flying Sword soared into the sky.

"Jiang Ding, my friend!"

"Do you need a girlfriend? My sister is super cute and pretty!"

An Siyan was overjoyed at these words.

After a brief preparation, twenty thousand shells were fired simultaneously, shooting into the high skies. The screeching as they tore through the air came in waves, converging with the Flying Sword, engulfing the Concealment Spell's location of the Zhuru Scriptures in the nick of time.

Nearly ten thousand more shells cruised in the sky, serving as a protective shield.