Chapter 190 A Day with the Young Immortal and His Mother_1

Chen Xi spoke confidently.

It wasn't just a rough plan, but which people to start with, what kind of oversight organization to establish, and how internal rules should be structured.

How to coerce or incentivize Xiantian and Masters, which Xiantian could be outright killed to shock others, and which Xiantian and Masters must be promised significant benefits and persuaded with good words...

Jiang Ding showed a look of admiration.

These were not things one could know from mere armchair strategizing; they required actual management of an organization and a deep understanding of it.

The former royal family of Yue Country had unexpectedly excelled in the education of their younger members.

"By the way, Brother Ding, I am not very familiar with the mortal families of the inner disciples or some of the elders; I'll need someone to help with that."

Chen Xi revealed a problem.

Jiang Ding looked at Liu SanQi.