Chapter 188 Which is better, Qingfeng or Beidou_1

On the campus,

it was quiet and spacious.

Now and then, withered yellow leaves were blown onto the path and then swept away, scattering sparsely.

Occasionally, teachers and students hurried by, all looking busy, as if they had matters to attend to.

On the basketball court, a few students were playing basketball, while on the soccer field, several couples snuggled up to each other, their laughter breaking out from time to time.

Jiang Ding unconsciously employed the Art of Small Concealment as he passed by them and left the campus.

"What the hell!"

He was immediately startled by the dense crowd.

Outside the school gate was a thronging crowd, encircling the area in layers, with only a few security guards managing to form human walls to carve out narrow paths for people to come and go.

Many held banners and placards, hardly any different from a fan chase scene at a celebrity's concert.

"Top Scholar of the Fairy Door!"

"Dari Swordsman!"

"Future Immortal of Nascent Soul!"