Chapter 235 Fairy Gate Citizens' Rights_1

The train arrived at Xianduxi Station and slowly came to a halt.

As his cultivation base grew deeper, Jiang Ding became akin to a ghost; except for the ticket inspector at the checkpoint, nobody along the way even glanced at him, all subconsciously overlooking his presence.

"The right to life is supreme above all else!"

On the television screen at the station, a figure was making an impassioned speech, swinging his arms vigorously. He wore gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, a very familiar sight.

Jiang Ding paused in his steps.

Liu Zhiyuan, Professor of the Social Sciences Department at Qingfeng University.

"Why does the death penalty, a barbaric law, still exist in this century? Such suffocatingly backward practices!"

He spoke with fervor and immense anger in his chest as a circle of young students gathered around him.

"The loss of a citizen in Xianmen is already a tremendous loss, so why must we lose the life of another citizen again!"