Chapter 251 Super Airspace Warplane Construction Completed_1

Having confirmed that Immortal Luling harbored no prejudice against Jiang Ding and did not treat him differently,

Jin Lingfeng and the others began their packed scheduled of Army Formation training courses.

In the absence of Jiang Ding and another unlucky individual who had failed in foundation building, they couldn't form three Air-Space Army Formations.

Immortal Luling arranged for two rune puppets of average skill to take their places.

For the exams, other people would be arranged to come, possibly students from other schools or active service military personnel.

Jiang Ding's practical training, on the other hand, was a different story.


With a slash of his sword, Jiang Ding barely extinguished a third-order meteor magic attack and made a clumsy escape.

Immortal Luling had arranged for a rune puppet at the Middle Jindan Stage for him!