Chapter 257 Super Cross-Border Transmission Array_1

Aside from the most critical piece of information - the heavy machine gun ammunition.

The overall manager of the Hua Xue Shadowless Hall had some other interesting information in his Divine Soul.

For instance, there were three or four spies within Qiyu Sect at the Foundation Establishment Stage.

In truth, they could hardly be called spies. They were indecisive characters who occasionally passed on both crucial and irrelevant intelligence, just to maintain a connection.

When orders from the Shadowless Hall came through, they would selectively carry them out based on their own interests.

They maintained a relationship that was neither too close nor too distant.

Two individuals were of particular importance: one named Zhou Lingwu, an Early Stage of Foundation Building cultivator, and another named Li Cheng, a Mid-stage Foundation Building cultivator.

Li and Zhou were prominent clan names within Qiyu Sect.