Chapter 262 Missile Bombings Annihilate Li Yun_1

"This yin energy saturated Ghost Formation, I fear it's already approaching the level of a third-rank intermediate."

"Given some more time, swallowing more vital souls and flesh, it will truly progress to a third-rank intermediate, vastly increasing its strength..."

The images transmitted from the war machine made many students furrow their brows.

A third-order Formation, relying on Spiritual Veins, in terms of attack range, power, and endurance, can be stronger than most Golden Pill Monks, not to mention a third-rank intermediate Formation.

The Liyun Sect does not possess such an inheritance.

It must come from the Outer Realm, either captured by Immortal Li Hai during wars in the Outer Realms and secretly kept hidden, or there are powers from the Outer Realm meddling in the shadows.