Chapter 284: Being Old and Not Dying is to be a Thief_1

The dust dispersed, and Jiang Ding closed his eyes to sense for a moment.

"Severely injured, but still alive."


The Taiqing Flying Sword disappeared in the explosion, burrowing into the ground layer, its Sword Intent locking on to that figure tunneling through the earth at a relatively slow speed.

"Damn it!"

The elder in the shadowy robe cursed, forced to confront the Taiqing Flying Sword with his pitch-black feathered arrow magical treasure.


Amid fierce tremors and sparks flying, the Taiqing Flying Sword was obstructed, entangled with the black arrow rain, colliding hundreds of times each breath, blue-gold and pitch-black lights flickering, specks of Spiritual Light splashing around, causing the nearby soil layers to boil as if in turmoil.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three hundred and sixty hunter missiles arrived, not engaging with the two weapons, but instead piercing through the ground layer, aiming for the shadow-cloaked elder tunneling beneath.