Chapter 310 I'm in Charge of Being Studied_1

"The technology requirements for cultivation... is that too much to ask?"

Jiang Ding scratched his head.

He had understood the meaning.

The research funding that was applied for couldn't possibly be used for individual purposes like buying elixirs, renting high-order spiritual veins, or crafting artifacts. Anyone who dared to do so would be sent straight to prison.

However, the specific direction of research that the funds are used for can be decided.

"Sorry, then, should we let it go?"

Zhang Junsheng hesitated.

"How can we let it go?!"

Jiang Ding's expression changed as he spoke seriously, "Teacher, the 'Great Sun Sword Cultivation Method' is the core of the Great Sun Sword Pavilion, and those who succeed in cultivating it are the living core of the Pavilion. No matter how much scientific research is invested in it, it's all worthwhile, greatly beneficial to the Xianmen Sect."

"Indeed, indeed, you have a point there."