Chapter 92: Under the Ace

He Hongtao's announcement in the teacher's chat group instantly ratcheted up the math teachers' tension to the maximum.

According to the statistical principles, with an overall passing rate of only thirty-five to thirty-eight percent, your Class 1 accounted for ten of those, aren't you squeezing our students' chances of passing?!

Those who knew He Hongtao were also aware of what three flowers signified.

It was praise only second to three firecrackers!

"Pretty ruthless, an average of 106, a full two points higher than the previous batch. Although the cut-off score was also a bit higher, in percentage terms, it's still quite an improvement," a teacher couldn't help but sigh.

"Except for not being able to compete with Class 1 of No.4 High School and No.1 High School, it feels like on the whole, they can give their Class 2 a run for their money… it's quite promising."

Under Zhang Jianjun's modest leadership, No.11 High School was indeed improving by leaps and bounds.