Chapter 112 'Super's Basketball' _3

"Truly a terrifying man, worthy of you indeed."

"Let's go, it's time to eat."

During the lunch break, He Sijiao also invited Li Youyou along. And nobody had any objections, with Zhou Fu even smiling in acceptance.

However, He Sijiao's invitation wasn't abrupt. Li Youyou had told her that her conflict with Zhou Fu and Chen Yuan had been resolved, and then she expressed her desire to join everyone for lunch.

He Sijiao didn't know what the others thought, but she preferred for the classmates to be harmonious.

"I'm not going, I'll just grab some bread and then go practice basketball with the brothers."

Zhou Yu waved his hand and left first.

Then it was Chen Yuan, He Sijiao, Zhou Fu, and Li Youyou, the four of them going to the canteen together.

One would think that a boy would feel awkward or volunteer that he had already made plans with other boys when going to eat with so many girls.

But Chen Yuan was different; he was very calm.