Chapter 119: The Reward of the Gushing Spring!_3

"Wow, does Class Fifteen have such strict class spirit?"

"That's Liberal Arts students for you, wordsmiths sensitive to topics."

"Liberal Arts students are awesome."

"Water?" Xia Xinyu offered him a bottle.

Chen Yuan took it and finished the rest in one gulp.

"There's more water here." Cheng Haiying pointed to the mineral water bought with the class fee especially for the players, reminding him.

"No need, I'm not thirsty."

Chen Yuan politely declined.

It's not that he wasn't thirsty, but drinking too much means you have to pee, and playing basketball with a full bladder risks more than just leaking arrogance.

"Siqi." Cheng Haiying stood next to Hu Siqi, who was already exhausted, and under the guise of reminding her, said to everyone, "Back in junior high, people said Xu Chen played dirty, although I don't know what that means... But I've heard people say that, more than one."

Chen Yuan must have heard that, too.

"Okay." Hu Siqi made a gesture, indicating she understood.