Chapter 198: Letter of Understanding_2

Actually, this kind of situation can be big or small. Small, in that it actually didn't cause any damage. But big, in that it's incitement, hiring (including treating to meals and using girls as bait) attempted assault with a weapon, to be treated as an accessory to the crime.

If this were a police officer's family member (younger brother), then the situation would be different.

Generally, it's processed in a way that could have larger implications.

"Thank you, master," Li Tong said gratefully and nodded.

"What are you thanking me for, let's go." The old police officer told Li Tong not to talk nonsense, and then, along with the young male officer, they began escorting the people into the car.

"Master, wait a moment, I need to give Yuan some instructions."

"Then come over quickly, don't delay."
