Chapter 262: The Physics Teacher's Authority

"Auntie shared the Four High Joint Exam rankings with me, do you want to take a look?" While the two of them were studying together, Xia Xinyu proactively handed her phone to Chen Yuan.

"Yikes, why'd she give you that?" Chen Yuan curiously asked.

"Um..." Xia Xinyu thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "I think you have the potential to be the Top Scholar, so I actively asked her for it. If you want to clinch the top spot at Xiahai or Haidong, you might as well have an idea of where the highest standard roughly is, right?"

Fuck, intelligence agent Xia Xinyu.

That's a bit too Supermodel.

"Okay, let me have a look."

Chen Yuan put down his pen and picked up the phone to start looking through the scores.

In first place was Shi Yi, with 720 points, prominently listed.

Not only was he first in Sea High School, but also first in the entire province.

The second place, with 716 points, was from Sea High School.

The third place, with 711 points, was also from Sea High School.