Chapter 270: Moving into a New Home with Xinyu_2

Hearing this, Hu Xinyuan immediately collapsed and bellowed, "If it weren't for you divorcing my mom, I wouldn't have turned out this way..."

"I knew you would use that as an excuse."

Interrupting his daughter as she started to blame others, Mr. Hu said mercilessly, "You still like your mom, right? Then go with your mom. I can't teach you."

"It's not that, Dad, I don't..."

With a "bang!" the door slammed shut, and Dad walked away without leaving any room for sentiment.

Meanwhile, Hu Xinyuan lay on the bed, furiously pounding and grinding her teeth.

She felt wronged as well.

Because she wasn't like this before.

It really was the divorce of her mom and dad that led her to start posting short essays online to gain approval.

Because she felt that was the only way to get attention.

Even if that attention came from a bunch of simps.

So, how could this be her fault?

And to think they want me to go live with my mom...

No way!