Chapter 29 What the hell is this job? One-shot kill!

Outside the dungeon.

Zhao Yunxiao stood in front of the dungeon entrance, his face full of perplexing emotions.

"You mean... Yao Zhixue, Zheng Cheng and the others chose the Hell difficulty level?"

Gao Yang seemed uneasy in front of this beauty, he stammered, "Ye, yes, I, I couldn't stop them..."

"Damn it..."

Zhao Yunxiao quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

It took several seconds before the call was finally answered.

"Zhao Yunxiao? Why are you calling now, I'm in a meeting..."

Zhao Yunxiao interrupted Shen Nanfeng and asked, "Director, do we have any Broken Pearls left in our agency?"

"The Broken Pearl? What do you need that for?"

"Yao Zhixue and Zheng Cheng have entered a dungeon with Hell difficulty, the Fire Rat Den."


From the other end of the phone, the sound of a table being smashed reverberated.

There were also faint sounds of breaking glass, along with voices shouting, 'Director,' 'Director, are you alright,' and so on.