Chapter 33: Yao Zhixue's Ability!


Within the Fire Mouse Nest, Zheng Cheng and Yao Zhixue encountered another group of elite fire mice.

These elite mice were hidden in the darkness, taking advantage of the two's unawareness, they pounced out suddenly.

Luckily, Zheng Cheng reacted swiftly, kicking away an elite mouse that fell from the sky.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak~"

Meanwhile, within the dim nest, another group of elite fire mice charged towards them.

"I'll hold them back! You attack when you get a chance!"

With Zheng Cheng's command, he brandished his long knife and rushed forward.

His constitution reached as high as 64 points. Clearly, these elite mice couldn't even break his defense.

He, on the other hand, was like a tiger amongst a flock of sheep, each simple slash resulted in another elite mouse slashed to death.

Yao Zhixue, standing behind him, beautiful eyes glistening, also found opportunities to shoot out blades of ice.