Chapter 85: Male Function +1%! Random hostility?

Time rewinds to several hours before.

Zheng Cheng and the others ran into a narrow path, narrowly avoiding the main force of the half-orcs.

Continuing forward, there were more and more forked paths around them.

Some were only half a person high, while others were as high as four or five meters.

It was unclear what tools had been used to dig them out.

The three red dots on their radar were still stationary, unknown what they were doing.

"Be careful, we're getting close."

Zheng Cheng was carefully monitoring the Central Radar Life Monitoring Technique while leading the team forward.

Soon, they passed an intersection, and the three red dots were exposed to their sight.

It was an open and vast cavern, with two enormous pythons, each around twenty meters long and about two meters thick, coiled up inside!

The scales on the pythons' skin were all dark green, densely covering their bodies.