Chapter 122 Destroy the Tribute, Blood Guanyin! _2


Their eyes lit up instantly, and Rookie hurriedly asked, "We heard from Captain Yunxiao and Bai Jingqi about the forerunners and forerunners' family before, who exactly are they?"


Yao Zhixue hesitated for a moment before saying: "I only heard Sister Yunxiao mention something, according to her, all forerunners are survivors of the great calamity that happened more than three hundred years ago."

"The weakest forerunner has a strength that is at epic level, that is, LV79 and above!"


"A survivor who has lived for more than three hundred years!"

"How is that possible?"

"The great calamity... It took place over three hundred and sixty years ago, can a person really live that long?"

Yao Zhixue shrugged," I don't know."

The group was skeptical, and yet Zheng Cheng was starting to believe.

Even an ordinary person could live up to a hundred and forty or fifty years old just by maintaining a balanced diet and frequent exercise.