Chapter 285 Zheng Cheng vs Flereya! Adrenaline Excitement Technique vs. Secondary Frenzy!_1


Amplifying himself with the Radiant Halo and weakening the enemy with the Evil Halo,

he then let his followers charge forward and hack the enemy to death—this was the battle strategy the Beastman Tribe excelled at.

Of course, the combat style of the Ice Werewolf before him shared a likeness to that of the Beastman Sacrificers.


The two figures passed by each other at breakneck speed, the sharp Shura's Dual Blades and Flereya's claws clashing fiercely.

Brilliant sparks burst forth, and they glared at each other with cold eyes filled with murderous intent.

Those not of my race, must harbor different hearts.

The Blue Star People had been at war with the Beastman Tribe for more than three hundred years, and great battles had occurred in places like the outer domains, the Two World Mountain, and the Chasm.

The number of Blue Star People who had died at the hands of the Beastman Tribe was no less than a billion.