Chapter 321 Clone Copy? Instant Kill!_1

Just as most of the people on Black Mountain had entered the Main Hall at the summit, a huge change suddenly occurred in the forest at the base of the mountain.

The trees on the outskirts of the forest began to grow wildly, extending continuously toward the foot of the mountain, and soon they reached Black Mountain.

At the base of Black Mountain, Spirit Enchanting Dragon Vines suddenly stretched out and connected with the forest.

A woman's figure slowly emerged from above the forest.

Cui Xiabing.

She hadn't died.

Looking at the Spirit Enchanting Dragon Vines at the foot of Black Mountain, Cui Xiabing's tone carried the joy of surviving a disaster.

"Thank goodness... this Spirit Charm Ghost Forest also consists of trees, otherwise I really would've been devoured by this Blessed Land and subsequently assimilated."