Chapter 323: Chaotic Battle! Human Race Genius? If Dead, Then No Longer!_1


Before his words fell, the entire boudoir suddenly started to shake, and a large amount of black fog abruptly appeared.

Zheng Cheng's expression changed slightly, and he quickly rushed toward the small door he had entered through, soon charging into it.

And just like that, the entire boudoir collapsed!



Just as he burst out of the boudoir, a violent tremor suddenly came.

Large chunks of giant stones fell from the sky, and the earth quaked as if there had been an earthquake.

"What's happening?"

At the same time, another figure rushed out from a nearby room.

It was a Lizard-man.

In his hand, he clutched a Stone Pen, which seemed very similar to the jade pendant in Zheng Cheng's hand, sharing the same aura.

"Inheritance Artifact?"

The Lizard-man also clearly noticed Zheng Cheng, especially the jade pendant in his hand, a flash of killing intent passing through his eyes.
