Chapter 388: Plundering the Power of Divinity! Life Essence_2

In the darkness, a rapid succession of piano notes came flying through, forming a tight and dense melody that enveloped Dongyun Meiling completely.

A young woman dressed in pale blue palace attire walked slowly through the shroud of black mist.

"Human Race of Blue Star, Quan Linfei pays respects to Her Highness Dongyun Meiling, the Demon King of the Earth Demon Race."


Dongyun Meiling's face changed dramatically, "Another epic, do you Humans of Blue Star really want to fight to the bitter end with us?"

"The fish may die, but the net may not break~"

Quan Linfei smiled faintly, her slender hands continually gesturing in the air.

In a flash, visible ripples began appearing out of thin air, spreading throughout hundreds of miles.

"Dongyun Meiling, for the future of our race, please head to your death, Your Highness the Demon King!"

"Ambush Domain!"



Myriad Snake City.