Chapter 2: Old Man Shu Dao Mountain_2

Crooked day, buddy, you're overthinking it. You might not even last until you're assigned to a unit before you get to enjoy being discharged early.

With that IQ, even if you do stay, the chance of getting into the Military Academy is pretty slim!

Fang Huai was having a good laugh when a hand pressed down on his shoulder.

"Bro, what did you mean by stepping over me just now?"

Fang Huai turned around to see a burly guy with a fierce look in his eyes.

Oh my god, a mini boss.

"...Sorry, I was growing... I mean, I wasn't paying attention."

The man huffed and patted him hard twice, almost knocking him over.

"Weren't paying attention? You jumped pretty high though!"

Fang Huai gritted his teeth, slowly stood up, and looked at him.

"Bro, we're gonna be comrades, is this really necessary?"

The man's eyes narrowed, and the bag in his hand loosened, falling to the ground.

Drawn swords and bent bows.

"Fang Huai is over there!" A female voice suddenly came from out of sight.

"Damn, why are you so late?" A male voice complained.

Fang Huai knew who had come without looking.

His classmate and best friend of 12 years, Chen Shuang. They were both bottom of the class from elementary school to high school, and now they had signed up to be soldiers together.

And there was Chen Shuang's sister, Yang Shaoqing.

His own sister, it's just that one took their father's surname and the other their mother's.

Yang Shaoqing was the object of varying degrees of admiration from all the guys in their group, yet none dared to speak up.

There was no helping it, the second child was just too outstanding.

Chen Shuang was 1.68 meters tall, Yang Shaoqing was 1.72 meters tall, appearing a head taller than her brother, her skin strikingly white. They say a fair complexion hides flaws, but Yang Shaoqing certainly didn't need it. Ever since she grew up and took off her low prescription glasses, Fang Huai hadn't dared to look her straight in the eye.

He couldn't quite dare to now either.

Mainly because there was a stout young man with a tiger-like presence staring at him right in front.

[Task: You're a soldier now, what's there to fear? Provoke him.]

When these words appeared in front of Fang Huai, his heart was a bit broken.

I've been a soldier before, you can't fool me, I've just entered the Armed Forces Department courtyard!


Damn it.

"Bro, what are you trying to do? Let's draw a line here," Fang Huai stood rigidly, but only managed a limited provocation.

The system was the system, but in this situation, if a fight broke out, he'd choose to protect his kidneys first.

After all, his father had a hereditary kidney disease.

The muscular man across from him took a big stride forward, bringing along an innate pressure and poked his chest.

Pouting: "What do you want to do? Suit yourself!"

If this had been a school entrance, the response could have been "I'm at your disposal too," poking back with the finger.

The more timid could mess around for 20 minutes.

But this was the Armed Forces Department.

The Cadres in the courtyard and the two people beside him realized something was off at the same time.

A bright white figure appeared in front.

Yang Shaoqing stood in front of Fang Huai, bringing with her a warm breeze.

"What are you doing!" Yang Shaoqing said loudly.

An Armed Forces Department cadre also came over, pointed at the pouting guy who obviously seemed to have the upper hand, and said to the two of them.

"Hey! You two, step aside!"

Upon hearing the cadre's word, the man grunted in displeasure and defiance, his gaze lingering momentarily on Yang Shaoqing standing in front of Fang Huai, then glanced back at Fang Huai behind her.

"Coward, you need a woman to protect you," he said.

Having said that, he smirked twistedly and took a step back.

At this moment.

"Fang Huai!"

A third voice came from the entrance of the Armed Department.

Huang Jiaojiao had a slightly disappointed expression on her face as she picked up her mobile phone and pointed at the screen.

"I was wondering whether to wait for you or not. I've been calling you and you didn't answer, and here you are, fighting again!"

Why say "again"?

Fang Huai used to be considered "loyal" back when he was studying, often helping a few friends out in petty squabbles.

Helping others show strength, just to gather a crowd. It was indeed pretty silly.

But the Fang Huai of that time enjoyed it.

Huang Jiaojiao used to think it was okay too, but ever since her "sister" started dating a real societal big brother, and after seeing him fight at the drop of a hat, she began to find Fang Huai's behaviour very low.

Seeing this woman again, Fang Huai could only feel an indescribable disgust, not knowing what he saw in her in the first place.

Perhaps seeing her reminded him of his own utterly pathetic self. What he truly hated was that version of himself.

Having thought everything through, Fang Huai whispered.

"Brother Yang, help a brother save some face, be my girlfriend for two minutes, okay?"

Fang Huai's voice was so soft that only Yang Shaoqing could hear it.

Brother Yang was also quite loyal, stubborn, and fearless—a true reflection of her. Chen Shuang had been protected by her since he was a kid. Looking at her beauty and the number of admirers she had, no one really picked a bone with her.

Because of Chen Shuang, the two had been playing together since they were young and were pretty close. Borrowing money, Brother Yang could dish out several hundred in a minute, but Fang Huai wasn't sure she would agree to this.

Yang Shaoqing was obviously stumped for a moment, breathing suddenly constrained.


Seeing this, Fang Huai quickly added.

"There are quite a few reasons, I'll explain later, okay?"

Yang Shaoqing seemed to snap back to reality, her head nodding slightly.

Fang Huai casually put his arm around her shoulder, which was slender... cliche, but she was a bit thin.

Not to say she was thin everywhere.

She twisted her shoulder slightly, adjusting it so that his hand wouldn't touch her bra strap.

Feeling Yang Shaoqing's nervousness, Fang Huai hurriedly smiled at Huang Jiaojiao.

"Waiting for me? You're quite nice. But you don't need to be tangled up anymore, save your time for those in society who need it."

"You... and Yang Shaoqing? You've liked her for a long time, haven't you?" Huang Jiaojiao raised her hand, pointing at Yang Shaoqing, her face smiling but tears in her eyes, as if she had suffered a great humiliation.

This sorrow could only come from watching too many Taiwanese dramas.

What real sadness looks like, for a long time, Fang Huai could see it every day in the mirror.

Huang Jiaojiao was just feeling like she lost face.

Fang Huai made no comment, just watching her.

But Yang Shaoqing beside him slightly swayed again, looking a bit unnaturally at Fang Huai.

Fortunately, the man across didn't intend to keep losing face here.

Huang Jiaojiao scoffed, her eyes full of hate: "I knew it. Fang Huai, let me tell you, I don't like you either!"

She turned and walked away.

The warmth that had just been there disappeared instantly, Brother Yang lowered her head, taking a step back like an actor bowing offstage, withdrawing from Fang Huai's embrace.

A faint fragrance receded.

Leaving a sort of emptiness.

Fang Huai also noticed the awkward silence around him, even many parents were watching the scene, and he immediately apologized profusely, clasping his hands together and bowing in a circle.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't help but laugh."

[Task Completion, congratulations Host, for the first time you've earned Brother Yang's shyness.]

"Brother Yang's shyness" What kind of item is that?

Once again, a hand was placed on Fang Huai's shoulder, the bulging veins indicating the person was using full strength.

"Fang Huai, I treat you like a brother, and you want to be my sister-in-law's husband?"