Chapter 14, A Day with Flavor_2

Squad Leader Hao stood up and finally gave the order, "Count off for yourselves!"

One person flopped down immediately.

Peng Yingqirui.

This guy hadn't even started, and after just a few sentences, his Power Supply System had already crashed.


"Report what? Get up!" Hao Chengbin grabbed Peng Yingqirui's belt with one hand and lifted him off the ground.

Others quickly took advantage of the chaos to knock out a few.

"Chen Zhongqiang, Lu Zexian, you think I can't see? Redo it!"

A chorus of moans followed.

Fang Huai was the second to rise from his push-up.


Then he slowly went back down, came up smoothly, without resting.


Fang Huai felt too good.

The sense of strength coming from his arms at this moment was fulfilling.

After doing ten, Hao Chengbin finally noticed that Fang Huai was doing push-ups in slow motion!

And there were hardly any pauses, his body in a perfectly straight line, the movement extremely standard!

The difficulty, only those who did it knew.

"Reporting to the squad leader, done!"

Zhao Bing had just completed thirty standard push-ups and stood up, clapping his hands as he observed his comrades.

Seeing that Fang Huai had only counted to ten, he glanced over naturally and looked at Jiang Peng.

Jiang Peng had already done twenty-two.

"Fang Huai, don't force yourself too hard!" Hao Chengbin said, frowning.

Peng Yingqirui's cheeks were pale white, and dozens of heartfelt greetings involving Squad Leader Hao's family flashed through his mind.

You're telling him not to push too hard? What about me??

Why the hell are you holding me up??

Zhao Bing also finally noticed Fang Huai. He was physically strong but lacked systematic training and didn't see what it was all about. He just felt that Fang Huai was struggling and worriedly said,

"Fang Huai, you pushed yourself so hard this morning... Take a break! The squad leader said... if it's too hard, don't do it!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Peng became even more energized as if boosted by an aphrodisiac, shouting louder and speeding up.

"Twenty-seven! Twenty-eight! Twen... ty-nine... Thirty! Report! Done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he swiftly rose to his feet, looking down at Fang Huai, savoring the pleasure of victory.

When Fang Huai reached the fifteenth push-up, he finally felt it was tough, but he was more excited than anything else.

His arms could still hold, but his heart was struggling.

Continuous slow-motion push-ups like this made exhaling easy, but inhaling difficult.

Previously, he could at most do seven or eight in a row; now he had broken his record, and he wasn't even tired yet.

He paused and rested for a moment.

At the back of the pack was Peng Yingqirui, who hadn't done a single one and was gasping under Squad Leader Hao's hands. Sun Lianhai was the second-to-last, struggling after five push-ups.

"Squad leader, I really... Can't keep going!"

Remembering it was the first day of training, Squad Leader Hao finally softened his stance.

"Stand up and rest for a minute, then keep going!"

And another awkward situation arose.

Fang Huai didn't want to get up.

"Fang Huai, are you going to overexert yourself again? If you can't do it, stand up quickly! Don't worry everyone!" Jiang Peng interjected with some sarcasm at just the right time.

Fang Huai looked up at Hao Chengbin, and their eyes met, filled with complex emotions.

...Count Qiao.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Huai's movements suddenly quickened.

"Sixteen! Seventeen... Twenty-nine! Thirty!"

"Damn?" Two voices showed their confusion.

"Damn..." Both dragged out the last word with a rising tone to express their astonishment.

Amidst various quiet exclamations of "damn," Fang Huai executed the moves flawlessly, and with a powerful final effort, he sprang to his feet.

He nearly stumbled, but he managed to steady himself.

At that moment, his muscles also felt the strain.

People around him were blinking furiously.

Jiang Peng kept shaking his head in disbelief, as if channeling Donald Trump.

Impossible, a science fiction film, absolutely impossible.

Hao Chengbin walked up to Fang Huai, squeezing his arm with disbelief.

"You've trained before? For how many years?"

He was sure that this was not the work of just three or five days.

Old Soldiers who had previously served in the troops often suffered from lower back pain and arthritis. Thus, in recent years, there had been a push towards promoting the concept of scientific exercise. As a squad leader, he had also learned a lot of related knowledge.

Slow push-ups test the stability of the deep muscles, a pure strength training with not much effect. To perform them slowly, rising and falling continuously for over a dozen times like Fang Huai, without special training it's very difficult, requiring great strength to maintain.

He just couldn't figure out where Fang Huai's strength had come from.

If subjected to a deep physics analysis, "Close to Science" could film three episodes on it.

"Reporting to the squad leader, I trained arm strength for a while when I was studying... But my endurance isn't that great."

Fang Huai didn't dare to boast blindly, after all, he didn't find this morning's two-kilometer workout particularly easy, and he was sure he wouldn't meet the passing standards of the new recruit group on the three-kilometer test.

"I see your core strength is good, though! How come you fainted after pushing yourself for a while this morning?" Hao Chengbin patted Fang Huai's back again.

Fang Huai's thoughts raced.

"...I didn't eat much dinner last night, I was hungry! No energy!"

Yue Tao immediately spoke up loudly, "Right! Squad leader, Fang Huai only ate half a bowl of noodles last night! I offered him more, but he said no!"

"I thought so! What did you eat this morning?" Hao Chengbin folded his arms behind his back and continued, "Last night was the welcome dinner; the noodles were quite delicious! Why didn't you eat?"

Fang Huai looked troubled, "Squad leader... Can we not talk about it?"

Hey? There's an issue!

Hao Chengbin was somewhat puzzled, "What's the reason? Don't beat around the bush!"

Damn, you're the one who asked me to say it, better dead friends than poor me!

Fang Huai looked at everyone's curious expressions and stuttered, "I arrived a day early, you know... the large basin used for the noodles... I saw the canteen aunt using it to wash dishes yesterday morning, and in the afternoon she used it to hold waste water!... who knows what else they've done with it! The noodles from last night... there was a layer of oil floating on top; who knows where it came from...! I just couldn't bring myself to eat!"