Chapter 16: Crossed with Acrobatics

"Jumping Jacks, key points: Both legs apply force simultaneously, the body jumps upwards while the legs open sideways to about 1.5 times the shoulder width..."

The Squad Six Leader explained the warm-up exercises while demonstrating, and the new recruits also repeatedly followed along to learn.

They said those who could do pull-ups could rest, but just one set of warm-up exercises took more than an hour to complete.

Everyone was quite earnest in learning.

Because the Company Leader said that this new set of warm-up routines, along with some post-training relaxation methods, was recently updated by the whole corps, and some of these exercises are not even known to many old soldiers in the squadrons. After they leave the corps, they would be responsible for teaching them to the old soldiers in the squadrons.

Firefighting squadrons are spread out, with every county having one, a few in urban districts, and also the Special Duty Team, with over a hundred squadrons in a province, the farthest being four to five hundred kilometers away from the provincial city; of course, it's impossible just for a set of warm-up exercises to specially send people to the whole corps' concentration training. Some simple exercises would be taught during some centralized training events or during provincial Martial Arts Competitions, for trainees to take back to their own squadrons.

Training for new recruits is also considered an important conduit for publicizing physical training methods.

Being able to go down to the squadrons to teach the old soldiers is a matter of pride for every new recruit.

Fang Huai reviewed these long-unpracticed techniques while contemplating ways to trigger more tasks as much as possible.

Although there's no need to worry about pull-ups and parallel bars, there's still running!

For long and short-distance running, there are so many related aspects – leg strength, lung and heart endurance, stamina, and the synergistic coordination of muscles in multiple body parts.

How many tasks would need to be completed for him to achieve excellent-level athletic ability?

The muscle strength of many midsection links in the human torso is commonly generalized as "core strength," but from what Fang Huai currently understands, the system won't award anything like "core strength."

He's just enlisted these past two days and triggered many tasks, but it's clear they all need some kind of stimulus to drive them; he slowly got a sense of the approach, which is likely "interaction."

Having interactions and communications with others could possibly trigger more tasks; he must become a bit more sociable.

Moreover, since this System has branches, like the Merit System, it's possible there are other systems.

Although weak... not really that weak, right? In two days, it at least allowed him to rank among the new recruits with arm and waist strength.

"Now, let's combine the whole movement and practice it together! After the warm-up, we start the pull-up and parallel bar test!" Squad Six Leader shouted loudly.

"Oh my god... Both pull-ups and parallel bars are going to be tested? Tested twice?"

"I told you so! No way we'd rest! Two rounds of pull-ups and parallel bars - what kind of test is this? If we couldn't pull ourselves up in the first round, how could we possibly do it in the second?"

"Shut your trap! I'll take you out for some individual practice soon!"

The new recruits were chattering, and Squad Leader Pan sitting on the flower stand got up and walked to the front of the lineup with a chuckle, pointing to a spot on the edge of the playground.

"Like I said! They're too soft on them; they won't learn their lesson, and they talk too much! Never mind, I'll take them away! It's open over there; anyone slacking off can be seen easily! Lay them down for two hours, and they'll understand what they did wrong!"

The whole lineup became deathly still.

Squad Eight Leader Pan Zhaohui's fierceness had already spread that morning, and everyone held a bit of extra awe towards him.

Yue Tao was kicked this morning for shouting 'hello, squad leader' upstairs at Old Pan, and now the story has been twisted in many ways. The version many people have heard is that Squad Nine's Yue Tao was so ugly that he scared Squad Leader Pan when he said 'hello, squad leader,' so he got beat up.

What the hell, a veritable king of hell!

Being ugly deserves a slap in the face!

With this temper, ending up in his hands, wouldn't we be skinned alive? It's still better to follow the Squad Four Leader!

At that moment, a loud voice rang out.

"Report, squad leader, we know our mistake!"

People from Squad Nine collectively turned around, looking towards Fang Huai with some astonishment.

Fang Huai, with eyes fixed ahead, mind focused, dared to be the center of attention and began focusing his thoughts.

Trigger a task! Trigger a task! Trigger a task!

It's certain Pan Zhaohui wouldn't really hit him; he'd been training that morning, which made the Chief of Staff Old Black visit in person, and the old soldiers had formed a memory of him – it was impossible for them not to know who he was.

Collapsed from exhaustion and fainting in the morning, would you dare to lay a finger on him? It's only been a year since the Peng Yu case, huh?

Want to be sued?

As expected, Pan Zhaohui leaned to the side with a smile, and again, it was Squad Nine.

Old Hao's squad, always at odds with him!

Hao Chengbin noticed the situation at that moment and came over from the flower stand.

Pan Zhaohui turned his head, locking eyes with Hao Chengbin.

Pan Zhaohui in his eighth year, about to enter the Third term Non-commissioned officer; Hao Chengbin in his ninth year, both considered old ghosts.

"Old Hao, that's the guy from your squad who fainted during the push-ups this morning, right?" Pan Zhaohui said with a smile.

As these words were uttered, everyone curiously looked towards Fang Huai.

This incident hadn't been blown out of proportion by the old soldiers in the morning, as they were all afraid of trouble; this was new recruits' first time hearing it.

Oh my god, nine out of ten interesting people in Squad Nine!

Hao Chengbin, crossing his arms, nodded and frowned at Fang Huai, saying,

"Fang Huai, didn't they teach you about formation discipline? Why the mouthiness?!"

After speaking, he came up and kicked Fang Huai in the butt.

This morning, Squad Eight Leader Pan Zhaohui hit their squad's Yue Tao, which he found to be a loss of face, but he couldn't say much since it was indeed Yue Tao's fault for scaring Pan Zhaohui face to face.

But people from his squad, Hao Chengbin's squad, shouldn't be disciplined by another squad leader.

Although he was annoyed with Fang Huai at this moment, he couldn't let Pan Zhaohui continue to educate their squad's new recruits.