Chapter 20 This System, Very Peevish!


6:50 AM, the new recruits of Squad Seven lined up and entered the Base Teaching Building's stepped classroom, looking around as if they had entered some secret missile base.

There was just an outdated plasma television on the lectern, which surprisingly kept these new recruits gawking for half a day.

The quality seemed to be getting worse and worse.

In just a short day, a group of new recruits hadn't yet become qualified soldiers, but their values had already regressed to the time before Reform and Opening Up.

That day was damn too long.

It got so long that they assumed making phone calls would have to wait for holidays, and they felt a bit uncomfortable at the sight of an electronic device.

Damn? Are there other electric appliances in the army apart from electric lights?

The television was playing an advertisement, "Global glory, world-famous brands, Bosideng."

"Honor your parents with Brain Gold, honor your parents with Brain Gold, Brain Gold."

The information continuously coming out of the television made Fang Huai think once again about being a second-generation heir, and he became more and more confident.

If Bald Shi's Brain Gold could dominate the market, couldn't I, Fang someone, do the same?

It's just the startup capital... that's hard to come by in any era.

Even if he had the best ideas, handing them to his taciturn old man to execute would reduce their effectiveness by a factor of three.

You can't earn money by being a soldier, so you have to plan for after you're discharged, right? Even if you become an officer and dedicate your youth to the people... shouldn't I also wear a Richard Miller and drive a luxury car to work in the future?

During a police dispatch, I'd take off my watch, pretend to calmly say, "You guys don't need to enter the fire scene, it's too dangerous, just keep my watch safe for me!"

Moreover, firefighting is always in the city, officers at the Detachment or the Big Team have off-duty times, and when there's no major emergency, they can go home after work.

Being a wealthy person and experiencing military life, that's the perfect life!

"Each squad, sit separately, don't whisper! If any squad slacks off, I can see it in a glance! Pay attention to the news, and later I'll teach you all to sing a military song!"

With a single sentence, Wang Jian pulled Fang Huai back to the reality where you can't even change the channel when watching television.

But the excitement in his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

The news program started quickly.

"Good evening, viewers."

"Good evening."

"Today is November 27th, Tuesday, the 18th day of the tenth lunar month, welcome to the news."

"The main content of today's program includes..."

"... Tangta Village sketches a new life..."

"Governments in Jiangxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui and other areas support energy conservation and emission reduction, benefiting enterprises and the public alike."

"Local cadres and the masses deepen their understanding of the Spirit of the Seventeenth Congress through interactions with members of the Central Propaganda Troupe."

"The Chang'e-1 Satellite carries out various on-orbit tests..."


"Viewers, today's program has come to an end."

"Thank you for watching, goodbye."

Wang Jian walked to the front, picked up the remote control, and turned off the television with a snap.

There were sighs of lament from below.

"They're not even showing the weather forecast! I wanted to see how the weather back home is!"

"The news is so boring..."

"I just saw the TV schedule! 'Fairy Couple' is airing! It's got Huang Shengyi, the one who eats the lollipop in 'Kung Fu'!"

With a smiling face, Wang Jian spoke out loudly, "Since you're all discussing it so fervently, come up here and talk! I didn't want to do any news commentary today, but seeing such a big reaction from you guys, let's do it!

Come on, I'll give you time, come up and talk about what the news covered today, one person from each squad, and don't think of running away."

The illiterates below immediately fell silent.

News commentary?

If we could do that, why wouldn't we study properly? Why be a damn soldier?

Pan Zhaohui, who was standing at the rear row, also walked up to the front with his hands crossed, his round and chubby face beaming as he spoke.

"Right, if you love talking that much, come up to the platform! If you can't talk when you're up here, then start moving your legs! I'll take you to add three kilometers soon!"

As he spoke, his gaze intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Squad Nine.

Fang Huai had a premonition of bad luck.

Damn it, Old Pan's got it in for me.

With my physical fitness, if Old Pan grabs me for a three-kilometer run, won't he kill me on the playground?

It's just a pack of cigarettes, is it worth it, big brother?

As Fang Huai was contemplating this, Hao Chengbin walked up next to him and knocked on his desk.

"Can you go up and talk?"

Fang Huai was somewhat speechless, "Squad leader, what kind of people are we? Can we critique this?"

Hao Chengbin frowned and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense, prepare quickly! Don't lose to Squad Eight!"

Jiang Peng, from a few rows back, now with shining eyes, volunteered, "Squad leader! I'll go up and talk!"

Hao Chengbin turned around, thought for a moment, and said, "Prepare for now, raise your hand when it's our squad's turn."

Jiang Peng immediately nodded excitedly, mumbling to himself, clearly ready to go on stage and pour out whatever ink—however diluted he had in his belly—if given the chance.

But Hao Chengbin was well aware that Fang Huai was very likely going to have to go up today.

The duty squad leader for the day was Old Pan, and he had led the morning drill, so it wouldn't be good for him to interject at this moment.

Old Pan, he's someone with a lot of grudges!

Old Pan had taken out a loan to buy a house in the provincial city and was always trying to transfer to Guiyang Special Duty, looking for connections.

During the Provincial Post Military Exercise, Old Pan was also there, and it was he who went first, so ever since Recruit Squad Leader Training began, Old Pan had been talking weirdly to him.

Old Pan was also in his third term, only a year behind him, so he couldn't say much about it.

In this aspect, Fang Huai misunderstood. He thought the two old ghosts were playing good cop, bad cop in the afternoon's single and double bars training, not realizing the good cop was truly out of sorts.
