Chapter 21: Resist Anti-aircraft Guns, Starting with Me!


[Task Completion.]

[Reward generation in progress…]

Fang Huai saluted with a circuitous gesture and left the stage.

Captain Wang took the stage, visibly moved.

"Comrade Fang Huai's speech was profound and of a high standard! This is precisely what we should glean from watching an entire news broadcast!"

Captain Wang even forgot his words, calling it a "speech" instead of a "statement."

The new recruits all felt like they were watching a sci-fi movie—since when did the Wu Zhuangyuan also excel in the literary arts?

Is this what they call ... what's that word? "A talent surpassing Su Shi in literature and Yue Fei in martial prowess?"

Forget watching the news broadcast tomorrow. Why don't you perform instead?

It was a crushing defeat, a crushing defeat indeed.

The orderly competitive system of a Company was crumbling. Was there really room for showboating in the revolutionary ranks?