Chapter 64: Has the Uncle Arrived? (Added for the newly mentioned League Master)

Over the following three days.

The punishment sunk into the sea.

However, the fact that Liang Longhui had Fang Huai write a self-criticism spread, despite only four people present at the time.

Liang Longhui, Wang Jian, Fang Huai, Zhang Yizhang.

It was unknown who leaked it.

Old Pan had privately scolded Fang Huai a couple of days earlier, saying what's the big deal with writing a self-criticism? You're a new recruit, carrying such a heavy mental burden!

Now look, we can't convince him, Instructor Liang insists on submitting the disciplinary suggestion! No matter how hard you try, can you erase this stain? It's going to go on your record!

Even Squad Six Leader came to persuade him, saying let it go, enduring briefly leads to calm seas; have you read "Song of the Rough Waves"?

It was advice for people not to be rash and assertive, but to know how to avoid misfortune.

Fang Huai cursed internally and glared as he said, "Squad Leader, you're quite cultured!