Chapter 120: Get Rolling, Conscripts!

"Squad Leader, what is this generator used for?"

Fang Huai asked with his hands behind his back, looking curious.

Zhang Yang pointed at the lighting set up on the vehicle:

"It's used to power that!"

"Ah... Does the firefighting pump use this for power as well?" Fang Huai asked, with the expression of someone encouraging a kindergarten tot to answer a question.

Zhang Yang was momentarily speechless.

After a long pause, he nodded: "Yeah, it's used for that too."

"The drainage equipment... Can it also act as a temporary power source?"


"Can it also be used for temporary power supply to important units like schools and shopping malls?" Fang Huai continued to lead on.

Zhang Yang squatted there, looking somewhat helpless.

Qi Xiaohui next to him got a bit impatient: "Hey, why are you asking so many questions? Just remember, generally it's used to charge the lift tools and the lighting sets on the vehicle, that's enough!"

Fang Huai was cursing inside.