Chapter 126 Love Information in an Office

Squadron Department.

Squadron Leader, Hao Chengbin, Fang Huai's family.

A long discussion.

"...The entire process was like this. Just a few days ago, right here, the old gentleman he rescued even brought a banner to thank him."

Cao Yi pointed to a banner on the wall written with the words "Bravery shines in danger, lifesaving grace as heavy as a mountain."

Fang Kaiyang and Zhang Mei listened intently to the process of Fang Huai's rescue, Zhang Mei was so nervous she occasionally pinched Fang Kaiyang's wrist hard.

Fang Kaiyang grimaced from the pinching, but he could only sternly point at his son, admonishing him not to be so foolish and take such risks in the future.

It was a terrifying experience.

Looking at the squadron's environment, although it wasn't as harsh as the Reclamation Corps of their days, upon careful reflection, they realized that being a firefighter in peacetime is far more dangerous than what they faced back then.