Chapter 184: The Significance of Shipbuilding

A publicity event also served as the post-mission debrief for the last two police dispatches.

"Take care!"

Three squadron cadres and one pseudo-cadre saw everyone to the door.

"Today's lesson was really enlightening! The firefighting song is now popular among the young people in our unit. The level of publicity work has also improved a lot!"

"Yes, compared to the fire protection publicity we've attended before, this has really matured a lot! It's innovative and eye-opening!"

"When I get back today, I really have to check the electrical appliances at home! My kid is so naughty, attending today's lesson has only made me more worried!"

The leaders from various units all began to express their views, and Meng Qiang was busily taking photos nearby, preparing material for this month's detachment news.

Fang Huai laughed and said, "The spread of fire safety is up to everyone. I hope you can all be ambassadors for our firefighting efforts in the future!"

"Hahaha... absolutely!"