Chapter 207: Fang Huai, No Longer a New Recruit


Three pieces of good news arrived at the door.

The Squadron's topic of the day:

Fang Huai won the championship.

He Zhijun returned.

The Second Squadron is going to be awesome.

Although no one knew exactly what being awesome entailed, Instructor Cao came back and immediately held a small meeting, mysteriously telling everyone that the Second Squadron was going to prosper.

In the future, the Head of the Corps' special vehicles might be assigned to the Second Squadron first.

The jurisdiction will also expand.

And, the Squadron might even be expanded.

The Second Squadron had already left space for expansion, just beyond the backyard wall of the Squadron, that small three-meter hillock. The land belonged to the Second Squadron. If expansions were planned, leveling the hillock wouldn't be a problem, and making room for an entire playground plus a building was certainly doable.