Chapter 217: Exercise Failure

Five minutes later, the leaders of the detachments and big teams that participated arrived at the first-floor hall of the Cultural Palace.

The squadron leaders and soldiers who took part in the seven-story firefighting felt some unease in their hearts.

They were the only ones who had not completed the task successfully.

In the history of the detachment exercises, such an incident had never occurred; they only remembered constantly reloading their guns and increasing the pressure, frantically spraying water at the seventh floor.

Yet, they still failed.

Today, they probably would have to endure a harsh critique.

The observation group was really inconsiderate, what does "far from reaching the standards" mean?

Isn't this a slap in our face?!

Zhang Zhongting looked down at the scene, but his face showed no anger. Seeing everyone gathered, he loudly began to organize the troops:

"Look right!"

"Look forward!"

"At ease!"
