This time, the journey seemed to have grown considerably longer, and if things went wrong, it could take half a day.

But Fang Huai had sharp eyes and pointed at a mountain path on the detour route:

"We can't go around it, look there, it's also collapsed, and it's covered in plants, with a large empty spot inside. If we go in, it's highly likely we'll have to come back out and think of another way."

"What do we do then? We need to go down!" Major General Jin frowned as he spoke, "If we can't, then on this slope, we'll have to dig out some steps to go down—we have to!"

At that moment, Fang Huai shook his head and pointed to the middle of the mountain where the range broke off: "That won't be necessary. The height of the mid-mountain should not exceed two hundred meters, and below is exactly our destination. Utilizing our rappelling equipment, we could get down. It's just that your soldiers have not been trained for this, so we might need to conduct some on-site training."